blog post 3: the second sequel

more blah blah blah yada yada yada

They needed to find a place to eat. The kids were beginning to get grumpy in the back seat and if they didn’t find them food soon, it was just a matter of time before they were faced with a complete meltdown. Even knowing this, the solution wasn’t easy. Everyone in the car had a different opinion on where the best place to eat would be with nobody agreeing with the suggestions of the others. It seemed to be an impossible no-win situation where not everyone would be happy no matter where they decided to eat which in itself would lead to a meltdown. Yet a decision needed to be made and it needed to be made quickly.

He was an expert but not in a discipline that anyone could fully appreciate. He knew how to hold the cone just right so that the soft server ice-cream fell into it at the precise angle to form a perfect cone each and every time. It had taken years to perfect and he could now do it without even putting any thought behind it. Nobody seemed to fully understand the beauty of this accomplishment except for the new worker who watched in amazement.

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