blog post test 2

the second lorem ipsum filled post for test purposes

What were the chances? It would have to be a lot more than 100 to 1. It was likely even more than 1,000 to 1. The more he thought about it, the odds of it happening had to be more than 10,000 to 1 and even 100,000 to 1. People often threw around the chances of something happening as being 1,000,000 to 1 as an exaggeration of an unlikely event, but he could see that they may actually be accurate in this situation. Whatever the odds of it happening, he knew they were big. What he didn’t know was whether this happening was lucky or unlucky.

Wandering down the path to the pond had become a daily routine. Even when the weather wasn’t cooperating like today with the wind and rain, Jerry still took the morning stroll down the path until he reached the pond. Although there didn’t seem to be a particular reason Jerry did this to anyone looking in from the outside, those who knew him well knew exactly what was going on. It could all be traced back to a specific incident that happened exactly 5 years previously.

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